Fellowship of Light

Atonement, Forgiveness and Sanctification

It clear that the death of Jesus is sufficient to atone for all sins, and that forgiveness is available to all who believe this, but sanctification must follow forgiveness. The parable of the unforgiving servant describes a man who was forgiven but not sanctified, so too the lazy servant in the parable of the talents, and the man without the correct wedding clothes in the parable of the wedding feast. We cannot earn salvation, but we can prove it by our deeds.

Fellowship of Light

Our Principal Focus

Our principal ministry focus is twofold

  • To defend the church against false shepherds, who masquerade as church leaders from selfish, narcissistic or evil motives
  • To defend the church against accidental false teaching whereby genuine church leaders have unknowingly absorbed false teaching

Our secondary focus is to protect our members against persecution and discouragement, including protection against retaliation from false shepherds

Fellowship of Light

Believers’ Baptism

To be a Knight of the Fellowship or an individual member, you should meet the following criteria:

  • Have accepted that you are a sinner saved by the grace of God through the atoning sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and fully trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as the basis for your salvation
  • Be in full agreement with our statement of faith
  • Have received Believers’ Baptism
  • Be a full member of one of our affiliated churches, or a full member of a local church that agrees with our statement of faith or be under the pastoral care of our regional shepherds if there is no suitable local church, or under the pastoral care of our missionary shepherds if there is no regional organisation in your area
  • Not be under disciplinary suspension either from your local church or from one of our shepherds if you are not a full member of your local church
  • Nominated by a member of council if your local church is not fully affiliated with us or if you are not a full member of that church
Fellowship of Light

Mission Statement 

The Fellowship of the Light of Christ exists to promote an all-member ministry in local evangelical churches with a plurality of elders and deacons. We discourage over-reliance on professional staff and instead advocate the training and equipping of local church members.

We are strongly committed to teaching the whole Bible in sermons and Bible study groups for both children and adults. We see children’s Bible classes (also known as Sunday School) as being a vital, strategic ministry for which local church members must be trained and equipped by the local elders.

We do not employ any paid staff, not do we raise funds from our members. All leadership and ministry positions are on a strictly voluntary basis.

All local churches are fully autonomous under the Lord Jesus Christ. We do not exercise overnight of member churches.

Spiritual Light

The Lord Jesus Christ, Light of the World

The very first thing that God created was light. It is fundamental to the structure of space and time in this universe. Nothing else would exist without light. Not only does it give us the ability to see things, but the universe itself depends on the operation of electro-magnetic radiation, including the visible spectrum that we perceive as light and colour. Without light there would be no life on this planet, no warmth, no plants, no animals, no food, no mobile phones and no internet.

 Even before the creation of physical light, before the creation of the physical universe, there was, and always will be, spiritual light. Just as physical light is needed to see the universe, spiritual light is needed to see or know anything about God.

John 1:1-5

Membership and Council

Invisible Membership 

The Fellowship of Light (FEL) is absolutely committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of its membership. The officers of FEL may only retain personal identification information (PII) for the purpose of voter registration, preventing electoral fraud and for authentication to our technical infrastructure. The officers and members are forbidden to disclose PII to any third party, even to a government agency.  

Anyone who agrees with our statement of Faith, may declare their affiliation to FEL, but FEL will neither confirm nor deny this.

We are conscious of the need to protect our members from persecution and will actively partner with any para-church organisation that seeks to support anyone being persecuted for the sake of Christ, even if they are not eligible for membership of FEL.

Biblical Theology, Fellowship of Light

Statement of Faith 

  • We believe that there is One God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • We believe that the original text of the Bible is inspired by God, namely the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament
  • We believe in the authority and accuracy of the Bible in all matters or faith and conduct
  • We believe that God the Son became a human being, Jesus Christ, while also keeping his divine nature. He died in substitution for our sins, and was raised to life again, in real bodily form and now reigns with God in heaven.
  • We believe that all human beings are sinful and need to accept that the death of Jesus is the only atonement for their sins. All those who have accepted Jesus shall be raised to eternal life. All others will face eternal condemnation.
  • We believe that the Holy Spirit brings spiritual light to believers, sanctifying them to make them holy.
  • We believe that Biblical preaching and teaching are gifts of the Holy Spirit